Anti-abortion zealots to whip the country in a frenzy over this issue to keep their issues out of the media. They use the gun battle for the same reason, as a distraction to keep the parties at each other's throats and mad at each other while Wall Street is off the grid and doing very well.
Please don't get me wrong, I am not trivializing either issue. They use all social issues for the same purpose. I know I sound like a broken record, but I if I am right about one thing, and I am, if we can take the money out of politics, either through the Constitutional Amendment route that has already begun to overturn Citizen's United and Money does not equal speech (please add Publicly Funded Elections), or massive pressure and focus on this issue of electoral bribery, we can fix things like this.
Americans overwhelmingly support keeping guns at home, background checks etc., and a majority support a woman's right to choose, along with equal pay. If we had Representative Democracy these would not be the problems they are today! The NRA would not be able to pass the "Guns Everywhere" law in Georgia that 70% of Georgians do not want. Republicans could not do all of this alone. They buy off Democrats as well. Republicans have decimated Unions and Trial Lawyers, formerly the 2 biggest source of Democratic campaign funds, and now they get a lot of their money from Wall Street! They are not "spineless," "asleep at the wheel," or whatever excuse is laid out as to why they let these things happen.
If you are truly pissed about the recent SCOTUS rulings then commit to do the one thing that can stop it and fix a myriad of equally serious issues facing this country by demanding COMP,ETE CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM and PUBLICLY FUNDED ELECTIONS! You can still fight for the other issues that matter most to you, but this is, like in the Hobbit, the one ring (issue) to rule them all!!!!