By Sabrina Rubin Erdely - November 19, 2014
Jackie was just starting her freshman year at the University of Virginia when she was brutally assaulted by seven men at a frat party. When she tried to hold them accountable, a whole new kind of abuse began...
On second thought, this is so graphic it'll get hidden at DU. If not by those who think it's too sexual. Or by those who want to defend their state, region, alma mater or the fraternity system.
Or this will get replies that blame the young woman. A fair read of this shows she wasn't willing in any way, but NO ONE disapproved during the rape, they cheered and encouraged it to prove their manhood. And NO ONE wanted her to come forward
Victims should NOT read this, most likely. Those who think rape is like regular sex or that it is consensual, need a lesson in what this is. She was with her boyfriend, was drinking and new and wanted to fit in. He set her up for physical injuries, the rape using both the male organ and with objects. She was forced, bleeding and beaten.
I want to remind those who read this article at the link, that these are the future leaders of this country. And those who have participated in these things in the past are in positions of power. They've been given every advantage, but this is what they do with their 'liberty' which cost others a great deal and for which they have never been called to account. This is not 'sowing your wild oats.' It's a crime and should never be allowed.
I am going to post another reply here on the leaders of today in the state legislature. They have not done a good job of representing the people of Virginia and there are many people being hurt by their actions. We will never know how many, IF ANY of those legislators, indulged themselves this way in college.