History of Feminism
In reply to the discussion: Baiting, from one of them "real feminists" [View all]NM_Birder
(1,591 posts)calling themselves "progressive", or "liberal", or my favorite "The big tent"......... crush themselves under the gravity of the groups own size.
The notion of free and open/honest debate attracts large numbers of people. Then as is the case with any small group controlling the freedom of a larger, what is considered "acceptable" becomes more and more narrow. Ultimately what WAS a platform for the advancement of progressive thinking becomes a strict adherence to specific personal objectives. for example:
reading DU it is virtually mandatory that you believe all cops are racist, black hating murderers. period, good luck with any opinion otherwise. All events everywhere are to be ignored, except the incidents of racist action by less than 1% of police.
reading DU it is unacceptable to discuss any race issue, ....unless white people are blamed in the first three sentences. Otherwise "you don't get it, and are a racist".
reading DU it is absolutely mandatory that you not question a Democrat's political record, and regardless if a Democrat is not the "all knowing soothsayer" as legend tells us, the final solution is to vote them in without question. The DU members running around demanding acknowledgment and the "taking of oaths" to vote Democrat regardless........ is chilling. Being screwed by one party is the only acceptable solution, to being screwed by another .......... so long as obedience is maintained. Both parties screw the people, and the people obediently carry out it's party's marching orders and cut each other down at every opportunity. Again, inspiring.
And now, ..."pussy" is an acceptable term to call a "Rethulican, Repugnant, Republicon" etc etc etc, ....name calling is no longer something that happens occasionally, it is encouraged. And the use of sexist terminology is acceptable because in an ever increasing game of "one up on you", only the most outrageous terminology is given any weight of truth. Sexist terminology is acceptable, questioning the use of sexist terminology is forbidden.
I don't think anyone should be surprised that so many people have left DU, when enough people pee in the pool,.... that peeing in the pool becomes a rule, most rational people get out the water. And what remains is a closed mind, finger pointing exercise in futility, with every "pool pee-er", ....... peeing in the pool and complaining about the pee content in the pool. And then blaming everyone not in the pool for all the pee.
Like others I know,..... we "political mud bloods", (as was jokingly used, ...loved that by the way) became disillusioned with the direction of the Republican party, and basicly drifted away from giving a crap about anything political. I found my way to DU because my girlfriend likes the lounge and a few of the groups, oddly enough not the birding group. Ironic that Democratic Underground, is less flexible in open discussion, and MORE tolerant of socially unacceptable hate speech. I live my life, enjoy my success, and try to better my failures,...... I know I don't belong here, my girlfriend told me so from the start.
Admiring Bernie Sanders is allowed, however thinking independently of the Democratic Party is not, irony thy name is DU.
Take Care Seabeyond, thanks for the opportunity to blather.