Dylann Roof, apparently a regular commenter at The Daily Stormer, learned his hatred online [View all]
After this terrible discovery, Roof wrote, I researched deeper, ultimately [finding] out about the Jewish problem and other issues facing our race, and I can say today that I am completely racially aware.
One of the places he conducted this research was, evidently, the Daily Stormer. A researcher at the Southern Poverty Law Center has discovered that a number of passages in Roofs manifesto are virtually identical to comments left on The Daily Stormer by someone calling himself AryanBlood1488. It seems likely that this was Roof himself.
Just as Elliot Rodger seems to have picked up some of his misogynistic beliefs from PUAhate, a site whose best-known moderator at the time was a regular contributor to A Voice for Men, Roof seems to have picked up some of his racial awareness at The Daily Stormer, a site appealing to many of the same people literally the same people who regularly read and comment on popular manosphere sites like the proudly racist Chateau Heartiste and Roosh Valizadehs Return of Kings, which recently ran a long Naziesque screed, by Roosh himself, on the evils of degenerate and cosmopolitan Jews.
No, The Daily Stormer doesnt see eye-to-eye on everything with pickup-oriented manospherans like Heartiste and Roosh; Daily Stormer founder Andrew Anglin thinks pickup artistry is pure snake oil and doesnt consider Roosh to be sufficiently white. But hes also praised Rooshs anti-Jew article as excellent. As Anglin sees it, Roosh
no doubt sees which way the winds are blowing, and is attempting
to keep his media base in tact in the face of rising Nazism.
And it goes without saying that Anglin is as violently misogynistic as any of those I write about on this site; recent headlines on his site include Jew Announces a Bitch to be Featured on $10 Bill and God Should be a Bitch Says Church of Englands Slut Priestesses.