And hell yes she would ace it!
Sadly you missed that has been asked, and answered over and over. It is all part of her legacy as a woman.
Would your candidate?
Hillary Clinton talks equal rights at Manhattan Women in the World summit, gushes over granddaughter!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/article_635/usa-women-world-summit.jpg
Hillary Clinton mixed the stern and the sentimental at a Manhattan womens forum Thursday, showcasing her revamped campaign-trail tone as she reached out to critically important demographics and jabbed at her rivals and detractors.
It is outrageous that America is the only country in the developed world that doesnt guarantee paid leave to mothers of newborns, the former Secretary of State said at the sixth annual Women in the World summit before softening moments later to gush over her most amazing, fabulous, unbelievable granddaughter.
Democrat Clinton threaded a personal tone through her address at Lincoln Center, using her mother's hard upbringing and her own experiences as a mom and grandmother as the spine of an address that took on the hot-button issues of unequal pay, health care, and the continuing scourge of sexual assault.
Hillary Clinton: Women's Rights Are Men's Responsibility, Too
WASHINGTON (AP) Hillary Rodham Clinton says that men are also responsible for advancing rights and opportunities for women around the world.
The former secretary of state says "it's not a women's issue" but, in her words, "a responsibility that we all share."
On Tuesday, Clinton presided over Georgetown University's annual Hillary Rodham Clinton Awards for Advancing Women in Peace and Security. She says it's not a mistake but a message that all three winners are men.
Clinton is contemplating a run for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2016.
The former first lady says that everyone suffers when women are marginalized and that everyone benefits when women and girls have a chance to participate fully alongside men and boys in all facets of life, including politics.
Hillary Clinton's Greatest Speeches on Women