Social Security & Medicare
In reply to the discussion: 34 Million Seniors in Medicare Advantage Plans Face Rude Awakening [View all]hot2na
(399 posts)Please do not confuse the issue with Medicare itself. Anyone can switch from Medicare Advantage to real Medicare at the open enrollment period each year, however, be prepared to pay a high premium for a PRIVATE Medicare supplemental plan if you do.
If you enrolled in (real) Medicare during your initial enrollment, then Medicare protects from gouging by private medicare supplemental insurance companies. If you enroll in (fake) Medicare Advantage that is where you are screwed because when you figure out the scam and want to change to traditional Medicare, its the private supplemental plans that will charge very high premiums. You are basically at the mercy of the private insurers as Medicare can only protect against gouging to those who enrolled in traditional Medicare during their initial enrollment period.
I cannot emphasize this point enough.