Professor Has Simple Way To Deal With Open Carry Activists [View all]
(cross-posted from GD)
Professor Has Simple Way To Deal With Open Carry Activists, And Pro-Gun Businesses Arent Going To Like It (VIDEO)
If youre enjoying a nice meal at a restaurant with your family and you see a man carrying an assault rifle walk in, it could be one of two things: either hes a crazy person intent on killing someone or hes a crazy person intent on showing his gun off in public and daring someone to ask him to leave it at home. While the NRA would say just give him the benefit of the doubt, the possibility that you could be the victim of a shooting might make you lose your appetite.
You would think that businesses wouldnt want that kind of scenario being played out in their establishments people afraid of dying dont usually stay for dessert but instead they are more concerned with upsetting the guys with guns. And for good reason. The NRA* and other pro-gun groups have demonstrated again and again, they are willing to bring down a world of pain on any business that they perceive as going soft on supporting peoples God-given right to carry machine guns wherever they go.
Consequently, there wasnt really a good way to prevent this from happening.
Finally, a philosophy professor thinks he may have come up with a solution. Pro-gun businesses are going to hate it.
"My proposal is as follows: we should all leave. Immediately. Leave the food on the table in the restaurant. Leave the groceries in the cart, in the aisle. Stop talking or engaging in the exchange. Just leave, unceremoniously, and fast."
118 recs and counting