Gun safety advocates sponsored ballot initiatives in four states, and won three, barely losing the fourth. Nevada passed universal background checks, California banned possession of large-capacity ammunition magazines and Washington state allowed judges to issue orders enabling authorities to temporarily seize guns from people who are deemed a threat to themselves or others. Maine voters narrowly declined to approve universal background checks.
The gun safety movement has suffered so many gut-wrenching setbacks in recent years, it was high time for a new approach. And, evidently, its working. When voters are asked directly about gun safety measures, they will check the box.
It was not long ago that the gun lobby enjoyed support from both sides of the political aisle. No more. Now the NRA is a fixture of the right and increasingly, the right wing of the right as it insists on an uncompromising agenda that alienates more and more Americans. In short, the gun lobby is marginalizing itself.
While the NRA was victorious with this last election, it is busy writing its own political obituary. Soon enough, the influence and power of the gun rights movement will match the dwindling share of gun owners.
Despite the rhetoric from right-wing NRA apologists, gun control is here to stay, and the younger generation is not buying into the gun nut hype. Old, red necked white men with guns are fading into oblivion.