A Pro Bono Dream Team Takes On the N.R.A. [View all]
A promising new force in the fight for gun control has arrived on the scene. A coalition that includes corporate litigators from seven of the nations leading law firms is taking aim at some of the most glaring flaws in gun safety. One is Congresss restriction of the governments ability to conduct basic public health research on gun deaths.
The lawyers will also seek ways to challenge state lawmakers who have invited millions of citizens to pack guns in public buildings and businesses.
The coalition, called the Firearms Accountability Counsel Task Force, plans to devote tens of millions of dollars in free legal services to this work.
Its goal is a unified attack on the worsening scourge of gun violence that plagues this country, said Richard Alexander, chairman of Arnold & Porter, a member firm. The coalitions cooperating lawyers are already drafting lawsuits, which could be announced as soon as next month.
The timing could not be better. President-elect Donald Trump and the Republican-controlled Congress are zealously committed to the National Rifle Associations regressive safety agenda of marketing guns to more and more citizens. As a candidate, Mr. Trump talked favorably of people arming to defend themselves in gunfights.
The coalition faces a crazy quilt of state and national gun laws. But it has the resources and legal talent to persist, and more firms are expected to join, according to one of the founding groups, the Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence. The law firms are applying classic pro bono legal skills, and their efforts will be highly coordinated.
The NYT Editorial Board has it exactly correct. NRA/ILA/ALEC enablers and apologists who support the right-wing "guns everywhere" agenda refuse to believe that ANY movement or organization could successfully argue with the insane idea that more guns will solve all of our problems. These anti-social misfits can not comprehend the gun violence agony that families all across this country experience on a daily basis, or that an armed society is very far from a "polite" society. Americans who leave their guns at home are not the problem, it is those few who want to carry an AR-15 into a 7-11 store who align with, and enable Trump and his band of misfits.
The tide has indeed turned, and although it will be a long slow process, meaningful gun control is inevitable. Deal with it.