Number of Gun Dealers in U.S. Drops 77 Percent Since 1994 From 245,628 to 56,577VPC [View all]
For Release: Thursday, December 15, 2016
Massachusetts Leads Nation in Decrease (-90%), Followed by California (-89%), Connecticut and Hawaii (tied at -87%), and Rhode Island (-86%)
America Once Had More Gun Dealers Than Gas Stations, Now Only Five States Do: Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Wyoming
The number of gun dealers in America has dropped by 189,051 since 1994 according to a new analysis released today by the Violence Policy Center (VPC). The analysis (see found that the number of Type 1 Federal Firearms Licenses (FFLs) plummeted 77 percent: from 245,628 in 1994 to 56,577 in 2016. (The Type 1 FFL is the basic federal license required to sell guns in America.)
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Senior Policy Analyst and report author Marty Langley states,
The sharp drop in gun dealers is one of the most importantand little noticedvictories in the effort to reduce firearms violence in America. Fewer gun dealers reduces the potential number of sources for high-volume illegal gun trafficking while aiding the inspection and enforcement activities of federal, state, and local authorities.
To those who, like Trump, deny the obvious -- yes, the tide is turning against "guns for anyone, anytime, anywhere." Rather than being a "polite society," an armed society is a dangerous society, and most Americans are tired of the death and violence on our streets in the name of the Holy Second Amendment.
The purchase, the "right to keep and bear," and where guns can be carried can, and will be, tightly regulated. It will take a few years, just like all other good causes, but it WILL happen, and there is very little the extremist gun fetishists can do about it.