graham: A new SCOTUS Reinterpretation of the 2nd is the only way true change shall come
Yes, they would have to reverse themselves from heller 2008 & mcdonald 2010, like what they did re dred scott.
Hate to bear bad news, tho some already aware - let's just hope it's a passing fad on the part of justice elena kagan:
Scalia also commented on the hunting ability of Justice Elena Kagan, who has joined Scalia to shoot quail, pheasant and larger animals. Last year, on a trip to Wyoming, they had a license to go after antelope and mule deer. But there were none to be found. Instead, "she ended up killing a white-tailed doe, which she could have done in my driveway" in suburban Virginia, Scalia said.
He said Kagan, who never handled a gun before joining the court, is just a beginner, but "she dropped that doe in just one shot."
My heart sorta sank when I first read that, usually the worse case scenario plays itself out, but as I said we can hope it's just a passing fad as it is with most people. The worst case of course, she becomes an individual rights justice.
Please don't kill any more animals elena, you don't need the meat, you don't need the skill, you don't fit the bill - you're a justice & a life saver not a killer.
graham: There is ZERO reasons for any private person to have a gun and bullets, in the streets, or in the house. NONE.
I think that's taking it a bit too far, graham; I think a gun in the house, properly stored & ammo separate, is up to an individual --- and doesnt' hinge on any supposed right conferred by the 2ndA.
I object to unfettered use & distribution of guns, and oppose carrying concealed without demonstrated need.
I would agree with you somewhat if you are young parents with small children, then don't own guns in the house, or maybe one & keep it locked up in a safe, unloaded.