Gun Control Reform Activism
Showing Original Post only (View all)I renounce my 2nd amendment right [View all]
I renounce & relinquish my alleged 2nd amendment right to keep & bear arms.
I no longer own any guns & I have no intention of owning any ever again (I only ever owned 2 longguns). The 2ndA means nothing to me as far as gun ownership.
I do not believe in the current 'individual rights' interpretation. The 2ndA in 1791 was written to provide arms for a militia common defense, and was subverted in 2008 by a modern day, politically motivated, rightwing supreme court, into an individual right to keep & bear arms, disconnected from militia service.
The 2nd Amendment today has morphed into some sort of carnival of canards, a 2nd Amendment Mythology. In my opinion the 2nd Amendment does not deserve respect but scorn, & fear - fear that a minority can cause so much indirect carnage and get away with it, literally in plain sight, by using the 2ndA as a pretext to obstruct & do next to nothing as far as reasonable & effective gun control of what they themselves espouse in, guns.
When a right is subverted, & people had adhered to the previous interpretation as dictated by the predominance of historical accounts & law & the judicial system, should they just suddenly shift their entire position 180 degrees to accomodate the new subverted right?
The modern popularity of the individual interpretation is not based upon a proper in depth knowledge of the origins of the 2ndA, but on the preachings, whinings, & propaganda of a biased & profit motivated gun industry & it's lobby.
'A well regulated militia, being necessary for the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep & bear arms shall not be infringed'.
But there is no well regulated citizens militia any more to be necessary for the security of a free state, the 2ndA is antiquated & obsolete, it provides for something which doesn't exist. In 1791 the 2ndA made sense, today it does not, it's outdated. An armed populace keeping & bearing arms today is more a problem than a solution, with 70 gundeaths & near 200 gun woundings daily, every day, of, the, year.
The 2nd Amendment doesn't protect us from anything harmful whatsoever. Nor does it provide for firearm ownership, I can walk down to a gunstore after writing this & buy or order a firearm and have it within a few days after passing a background check, but no '2ndA check' needed.
The 2nd Amendment remains viable due to successful propaganda efforts by the gun lobby, fearmongering about phantom boogeymen & fantasizing about an armed fantasy doctrine. The 2nd amendment today does not serve it's intended constitutional purpose, it supports a carnival atmosphere of guns, gunbanners, gunnaholics, & gunnuts. "Step right up ladysmiths & gents, shoot down 5 duckies & you get an nra certified sharpshooter doll!"
The 2nd amendment mythology makes firearm manufacturers wealthier & wealthier as personal arsenals get stacked higher & higher, and turns young children barely able to walk into killers, leaving an awful legacy once the child reaches the age of reason.
The gun lobby has turned gunowners into believing their possession of highly sophisticated killing machines capable of mass murder done quick, is some kind of neat hobby. That there is some tyrannical govt power just around any corner waiting to turn you into a slave to liberalism. That any form of guncontrol is a camel's nose in a tent to ultimate confiscation of all guns, which leads, of course, to slavery to liberalism & a slow torturous premature death (you didn't know?).
The 2nd amendment now says it's OK for anyone to own military styled firearms, without ever having to serve ONE SINGLE DAY in the army or any well regulated militia.
They say they need the 2nd Amendment for protection, yeah, to shirk responsibility & protect from liability when they subsequently misuse their guns.
Since the 2nd Amendment has been subverted from it's original intent into something contrary to what I believe in, & due the appalling carnival atmosphere the 2ndA has devolved into, and since I have no further desire to own any firearms & have long ago finished obligatory military service & am ineligible for militia, I hereby renounce my 2nd Amendment right to keep & bear arms.
My only regret is it's taken me 4 years to do this.
Note: I am not trying to win a popularity contest, I know some of you will not approve. No problem really. I wanted to start a poll but realize only 'star' members can do so, but do voice your approval or disapproval or ambivalence, as you wish. I also will say, if you have the courage & believe it too, do it too.
BTW, 'jimmy the one' is an english naval term, nickname means the executive officer, every english RMS ship of size has a jimmy on board. I'm not an exalted one or savior or anything, nor ever a real jimmy. Just an ordinary 'chap'.
Royal Navy Colloquial terms in the Royal Navy for the first lieutenant include "number one", "the jimmy" (or "jimmy the one" and "James the First".