Funny thing is, and i have argued for a place like this one for months and months as you know,
because everytime someone said that gun talk should be out of the GD and into your place, guess who wanted that?
YOUR place wanted it gone. So you could control it, and stop most who refused to enter your place in the first place.
I took it there for about 7 months I think. Till CONN changed everything, and talk was allowed in the GD.
And you guys couldn't control the message anymore.
It's so ironic-
you profess to hate Mike Bloomberg spewing the control word (aka nanny).
When it was clear the first time I mentioned him in YOUR place you guys wee sweating bullets over what he was doing.
And those against the Mayors against Guns are fully on record for months and months now.
Just go to one of my old threads and look at the responses. There is a PUBLIC record of it.
No need to dig hard to find it.
So I have taken you up on your offer. Unless I make a dumb mistake, I will never post in your section again.
And remember 100% of every single post I made there was anti-NRA. Every single one of them.
I have kept my end of the bargain. Why not be polite and do the same here.
Argue the points here, over there or in the GD.
But not here. You already have your own little neck of the woods, there.
I caught a wave and rode it from day one. The magic elixir. The Great Equalizer.
(and go fight other issues elsewhere, those have nothing to do with the SOP)
(note-I never heard the phrase SOP til I went to your place,and was constantly in the early days of my intruding in your area, had threads closed because it did not suit the SOP.
so please, no high and mighty. And no thanks, we don't need the help here.
Feel free on your area to give us advice.
And another thing-
If saving even one life means getting this insanity off of the street in the form of giving up your security blanket and/or hobby, well, remember what JFK said
"ask not what your country can do for you, ask what YOU can do for your country".
If it ultimately means you have to give up your bullets, so be it. you don't need them to live free and to prosper. In fact, on average the people will live alot longer alot freer with the 35 a day who die from senseless guns and bullets.
BTW, a winner does what a loser won't, and we want to win.