aikoaiko Family Protection Ordinance (a) .. every head of household residing in the city limits is required to maintain and firearm, together with ammunition therefor.
(b) Exempt from the effect of this section are those heads of households who suffer a physical or mental disability which would prohibit them from using such a firearm. Further exempt from the effect of this section are those heads of households who are paupers or who conscientiously oppose maintaining firearms as a result of beliefs or religious doctrine, or persons convicted of a felony."
Thanks aiko; seems it does have exemptions, & apparently seems identical to kennesaw's ordinance (likely based upon it). Doesn't diminish brady's suit, since a young 'gun able' father with small children or teens might not want to have a firearm in his house. Or former gunowner who wants nothing more to do with guns. If anyone can claim exemption the ordinance is toothless, & I doubt just anyone can.
discntnt: I thought I might point out that the town at the other end of interstate 575 in GA, Kennesaw, also has a mandatory firearm ownership law.
Reread the OP, where I mentioned kennesaw; here's a comparison between morton grove illinois which banned handguns in the 70's iirc, and kennesaw georgia which required households to own a gun. Note 2010 was final year of morton groves handgun ban due 2010 mcdonald decision, but the stats are similarly representative of stats for the past 20 years or so. Morton Grove had a higher assault & larceny risk, but kennesaw a higher total crime risk:
2010CrimeRateIndex Kennesaw,GA -Morton Grove,IL- US
Total Crime Risk ..........56 ...................35 .............100
Murder Risk ...............27 ...................15 .............100
Rape Risk .................46 ...................42 .............100
Robbery Risk ..............38 ...................15 .............100
Assault Risk ..............16 ...................47 .............100
Burglary Risk .............54 ...................41 .............100
Larceny Risk ..............64 ...................83 .............100
Auto Theft Risk ...........67 ...................33 .............100