Mayor Bloomberg is seeking to punish Democratic senators {4 who voted nay on bg checks}.. Mr. Bloomberg is exploiting his relationships and prestige among wealthy New Yorkers to disrupt the flow of campaign money to key Democrats whose re-election next year will help determine whether the party retains control of the Senate.
Bloomberg is not a democrat last I heard, he's an independent & was once a republican; there is no strong bloomberg allegiance to elected democrats - even tho he tends to align with democrat policies & ideas.
Thus he's not really betraying his allies, he's attacking his opposition, on a reverse premise 'an enemy of my enemy is my friend' where the 4 dem senators in the nra's eyes are their 'friends' - even if temporary. The nra is similarly under no obligation to support anyone, & often don't, even if they would be gunnuts to us.
Dem leaders have privately told.. attacks serve only to empower a Republican majority openly hostile to Bloomberg's priorities.
Well that's the worst case scenario which we embraced prior to bloomberg coming out & saying this; & as the 4 progun dems themselves have said the mayor's opposition may tend to help rather than hurt them, if gun owners are indeed a determinant in next year's reelection campaigns. In Alaska, having a New York mayor tell us what to do? The guy who wants to ban Big Gulps? Mr. Begich asked incredulously. If anything, it might help me,"..
So you see, I don't see this as a big thing; furthermore, those 4 states voted republican (romney, mccain,gwbush), (montana, arkansas, alaska, NDakota), & per the current figures of approx 2 million dollars from new york donors going into the 4 states, that (avg) half million in each would become incorporated into a red state which would eventually end up supporting the repub pres candidate in 2016, booooooo. Robbing Peter to pay Paul. Bloomberg not dumb eh?
What they are doing," Dem aide is increasing the likelihood of a 100% A-rated NRA Republican being elected.
Again worst case scenario - depends on the repub candidate too - and it's not like they're left on the ocean without a lifeboat, they have other resources like dem committees.
.. What the hell, the past 25 years the nra has done similar to varying success, note how in 2012 nra money got only a little 1% winning candidates return; so what bloomberg is doing is not some awful knife in the back treason, but a dice roll which might even turn out to be beneficial if it shows that his (MAIG) money & policy affects some races, at least there's resistance from the left to counter that from the right, bravo.
.. Observing the past 20 years of scant guncontrol successes, I dare not say treason, to mayor bloomberg.