ceonupe: 1) the big gulp ban (illustrated the extremes of government control some authoritarians like bloomberg want and is about as traditonally un american to most people as you can get and reminds people of a Nanny/control state)
Are smoking bans unamerican? Bloomburg's 'biggulp' ban was attempt to limit the intake of excessive sugar, so as to counter obesity problem. To equate his measure as a nanny state is sophomoric & overlooks the health issue it addresses. Would in no way prevent a soda fan from purchasing more soda elsewhere, at a better price too. It's actually a fairly weak attempt to keep people from hurting themselves & overpaying for a commodity, hardly the criteria for a nanny state or authoritarianism.
Why do you oppose an assault rifle ban, or superclip ban? do you own an assault rifle with any superclips?
Why do you want to allow assault rifles, which were developed for soldiers in the late 20th century to maximize death & incapacitation on battlefields, to proliferate in american communities?
You say you are considering quitting the nra, that doesn't really cut it ceonupe, some of us think you're just trying to appease us gun control advocates. You either will or you won't quit nra, you should know by now. That you're only 'considering' it is actually a strike against you, since the nra appeals only to far rightwing americans & republican legislators who love nra campaign donations & the phony 2ndAmendment carnival atmosphere. If you belonged less than two years I'd cut you some slack cause you likely got suckered in, but over two no slack.
Wayne lapierre has been saying for 30 years now how if democrats get elected you can 'kiss your gun rights goodbye', yet it's never happened, & he will again next election year spout off the same nonsense. Why do you stay in such a far rightwing group of propagunda meisters?
Do you really truly think the nra is protecting your gun rights from the very democratic party you claim to belong to, by posting here on DU?