armmueller: An assault rifle is, by definition, capable of select fire which is more than one bullet per trigger pull. They are commonly used by armies and are also referred to as "machine guns". Semi-automatic rifles, such as the AR15, fire one bullet per trigger pull just like grandpa's old wood stock hunting rifle. You won't find an army in the world that is using semi-automatic rifles.
How'd you get across the border fence? you sapper thru an underground tunnel?
I wrote: Wayne lapierre has been saying for 30 years now how if democrats get elected you can 'kiss your gun rights goodbye', yet it's never happened
armueller: It has happened, at least partially. Remember the assault weapon ban of '94?
Only about 2% of national gunstock was banned under 94 asslt rifle ban & it pertained to about the same 1 or 2% who'd even consider wanting one of the damn things. That's coincidently considered the lunatic fringe - about 2% milk. Nobody's 'gunrights' were taken away by awb, they coulda joined well reg'd militias like the army, marines, or nat gds.
armueller: Those who are interested in banning firearms know they can't take the whole loaf at once, it needs to be done slice by slice.
1 "Waiting periods are only a step. Registration is only a step. The prohibition of private firearms is the goal." Janet Reno
You're not helping your progun argument one little bit by posting bogus quotes: The "B'nai B'rith" speech by "Janet Reno" "The most effective means of fighting crime in the United States is to outlaw the possession of any type of firearm by the civilian populace."---Falsely attributed to Janet Reno, ca.1991.
2 "Banning guns is an idea whose time has come." Joseph Biden ----- The Joe Biden quote is also bogus. That quote is nowhere to be found in the story from the AP dated Nov 18, 1993 (Senate Move Would Ban 19 Types of Assault Arms Anti-Crime Bill Nears Passage). In the article, Senator Biden simply stated that the Assault Weapons Ban was an idea whose time has come.
Maybe you were at the end of the whisper line? Your post was pro gun garbage armueller, & you deserve to be barred for this crap, so stay on your side of the fence please. Thanks.