Strange tactics [View all]
Have you notice that gunners have a habit of demanding that their opponents provide certain data and show evidence that conforms with their precise specifications? If for some reason you follow their orders and do so, they reject the data because it doesn't say what they want to see. They they'll say, why don't you provide evidence of nice gun owners, or why don't you denounce gun grabbers, etc. ..
I've never seen another group sit back and demand others provide evidence and make their argument for them. Typically people provide their own evidence in an effort to counter an argument they disagree with, but not gunners. They demand you go find the evidence for them. They won't even click on a link to explore a source. They'll tell you to do it for them. What is that? Is it a deliberate pro-gun tactic? Are they self entitled and used to everything being handed to them? Or could it really be they are just that lazy? I find it strange.
Anyone have insight as to where this comes from? How do you deal with this sort of tactic?