I got the point. Lackeys of the gun lobby outlawed that research, and you are defending it. That ban exists because of people like you more concerned with guns than the public interest or freedom of speech.
NEA funds Arts, not education. I'm aware of no ban on funding of alternative education. Review committees are comprised of experts in the field, not union members. That is true for every single funding agency and every single academic discipline. The problem is when congress puts up legal roadblocks because of the interference of the NRA and their followers who are determined to shred the First Amendment in pursuit of profits for the gun industry, and their lackeys who care only about guns and not knowledge, their fellow citizens, or anything but their god forsaken guns.
Moreover, I would wager there are lots of grants awarded on that subject all the time, by the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION. Here is a list of the open calls from the Office on Innovation and Improvement. http://www2.ed.gov/fund/grant/find/edlite-forecast.html#chart5
They sure do give a lot of grants to charter schools
If there is a law forbidding funding in alternative education, you should be able to find it. Here is an article from the American Psychological Association on the ban into federal funding on research on guns. http://www.apa.org/science/about/psa/2013/02/gun-violence.aspx
If it's the same as in other areas, you should be able to find a whole slew of congressional orders and laws restricting funding into whole areas of research.