Good News on Divestment! [View all]
On March 18th, 2013 The Sparrow Project published a detailed and scathing report naming and shaming two hedge funds, Owl Creek Asset Management and Impala Asset Management, for purchasing large volumes of gun stocks immediately following the December 14, 2012 massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School. Murmurations on Wall Street and Owl Creeks and Impalas own 4Q filings to the SEC [HERE & HERE] indicated that both companies sought to capitalize off of the Nations grief and subsequent fears of new gun regulations in the wake of the massacre. Today The Sparrow Project is pleased to announce that only days after publishing our March 18th report and call to action, Owl Creek Asset Management and Impala Asset Management sold all of their gun holdings [1Q 2013, HERE & HERE]. The two companies holdings were valued at over $40 million dollars.
While it is important to acknowledge that gun industries will continue to operate so long as there is a demand for their product, it is also important to realize that major institutional investors like Owl Creek and Impala provide the gun companies they invest in the cash on hand they need to refill shelves, (shelves being rushed by the artificial demand of American buyers fearful that they will lose their ability to buy an assault rifle). Institutional investments like these allow the manufacturers to continue to grow exponentially and practices like activist investing by hedge funds can help to further stoke the already synthetic demand.Owl Creek and Impala represent some of capitalisms ugliest actors, said Andy Stepanian, co-founder of The Sparrow Project. At no point was this effort a snub at our second amendment privileges, quite the contrary, it was about rooting out parasites like Owl Creek and Impala who saw 20 dead school children in Connecticut as an opportunity for profit and holding those bastards accountable.
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