Media Matters presents NRA's Ted Nugent's 10 most inflammatory comments. 10. Tucson "Conservatives Should Turn Up The Rhetoric".. 6 dead 19 injured, including horrific injuries to Rep. Giffords (D-AZ).. {nugent} "xpose, isolate eliminate liberals and their fuzzy-headed policies" "do America a favor and crush liberalism."
I think media matters is gonna have to displace one of those 'top ten inflammatory comments' by ted nugent, to include this one circa july 24,2013:
Conservative rocker {NRA bd member} Ted Nugent is still railing against Trayvon Martin .. this time extending his attacks to Stevie Wonder, who has spearheaded a boycott of Florida and other states with Stand Your Ground laws.
Appearing on Boston radio show..So 700 black people, mostly young children and young people were slaughtered in Chicago last year by black people and not a peep out of Stevie Wonder. Are you kidding me?
How brain-dead do you have to be? Nugent asked. How strangled by denial, how dishonest, how cheap do you have to be to focus on a clear-cut case where all the evidence, from the DOJ, from the FBI, from the army of investigative specialists in Florida determined that George Zimmerman acted in self-defense against a life-threatening attack by hoodlum, dope-smoking Trayvon Martin?
.. Nugent said he would pray for Stevie Wonder and all these other numnuts who think that Trayvon Martins life is more important than the tens of thousands of slaughtered blacks at the hands of blacks. Nugent, who is evidently a fan of Wonders music, asked, How do you go from being one of the most soulful people in the world to being absolutely soulless?
Last week, Nugent penned an op-ed, in which he referred to Trayvon Martin as an enraged black man-child and a Skittles hoodie boy.