daily kos: Stevie Wonder should Sue Nugent for Defamation
Speaking to right-wing talk show host.. NRA board member Ted Nugent declared that musicians like Stevie Wonder, who plan to boycott the state of Florida in the wake of George Zimmermans acquittal, are brain-damaged from a lifetime of drug abuse and must not know what they are doing. When you live in a fog of denial, usually inspired by a substance abuse you know with all the lies about dope being a victimless crime, I think youre listening to the victims of this dopey crime, because their brains are fried, he said. Theyre either fried on substance abuse, and all of them know who Im talking about.
Stevie Wonder, in an interview with The Guardian, says he owes his health and success to the fact that he stayed off drugsafter trying marijuana once and hating it. Asked how he's managed to stay on top while his revolutionary soul peers fell out of the spotlight, Wonder denies he's anything special. "First of all," he says, "I'm no better than the next person. But I've never had a desire to do drugs. When I was 21 I smoked marijuana, and I didn't like the way it made me feel. When I woke up the next morning I felt like I'd lost part of my brain." The revelation may disappoint fans of the Stevie Wonder medical marijuana strain, who likely wouldn't list sensation of partial brain-loss as a side effect.http://www.dailykos.com/story/2013/07/24/1226281/-Stevie-Wonder-should-Sue-Nugent-for-Defamation?detail=email
I doubt he will tho. Sounds sorta like me in college, about a dozen times lightly & tack on peer pressure as a frosh, quit for similar reasons after a few months.