Insurance Companies Won’t Cover School Districts With Armed Teachers [View all]
While rationale for more weapons in schools relies on the argument that the only way to stop a shooting is for a good guy with a gun to stop the bad one,
insurance companies dont agree.
Weve been writing school business for almost 40 years, and one of the underwriting guidelines we follow for schools is that any on-site armed security should be provided by uniformed, qualified law enforcement officers, EMC Vice President for Business Development Mick Lovell told the Des Moines Register. Our guidelines have not recently changed.
EMC claims its announcement isnt political, its just
simply a reflection of the formula it uses to assess the risk of its investment.
We understand that school districts have every right to decide which way they want to go, ECMs Wichita-based resident vice president told the Topeka Capital-Journal.
But we have to make the decision based on what we perceive to be our best financial interest.
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