A different path [View all]
Rather than starting by shooting the moon, why not go for easy and build from there?
Example- an overwhelming majority of gun owners accept the 'gun show loophole' is an issue and should be rectified. Start where support will be, rather than alienating support with much more controversial, sweeping legislation.
Gun show sales requirement-All sales of guns at any gun show shall require a completion of the Federal Firearms Transaction Record (ATF Form 4473). This shall apply to sales between non-FFL, private sellers and buyers. The operator of the show shall be responsible for having a person authorized to complete ATF form 4473 and conduct NCIS checks. The authorized person will be responsible for completing and retaining forms 4473 in accordance with applicable laws. A fee may be charged for the processing, paid by buyer or seller, not to exceed $xx.
Exclusionary zone- Any sale between parties shall be considered a sale at the gun show and the above requirements apply if the sale is conducted anywhere within the building, in the case of an indoor show, or any designated show/ sale area of an outdoor venue. In addition, the entirety of the property of the venue, to include parking areas and vehicles therein and a distance of 500 feet surrounding the property of the venue, excepting the owned residence of record of the seller of a firearm, shall be excluded from unregulated sales for the published duration of the show, plus one hour prior to opening and three hours following closing. Any sale within this area that does not comply with the above requirement shall be a (felony/gross-misdemeanor) punishable by (jail term/fine) and forfeiture of any/all firearms involved in the sale.
IMO such a law would have breezed through any legislature or Congress with the full support of the vast majority of gun owners. I do not think it is too late yet, in many states.