413,000 NJ mental health records submitted for gun checks [View all]
TRENTON — The New Jersey Judiciary is making significant progress in its efforts to provide mental health records to law enforcement about people disqualified from obtaining firearms.
Last week, the Judiciary announced it had submitted nearly 413,000 records to the New Jersey State Police to forward to federal authorities to include in the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS), used by law enforcement across the country to conduct background checks on would-be gun purchasers.
That’s a marked improvement over the 15 records the state had submitted as of October 2011, according to a report by Mayors Against Illegal Guns, a gun control advocacy group founded by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg.
The records gap was cited by the group as a significant problem after it was revealed that a Virginia judge had declared Seung Hui Cho mentally ill two years before he shot and killed 32 people during the 2007 Virginia Tech shooting....
Read More: http://www.phillyburbs.com/news/local/burlington_county_times_news/nj-mental-health-records-submitted-for-gun-checks/article_3e8f831e-98a9-5fc5-9fbb-ef943e8c1eb6.html