Loaded gun found in 4-year-old's book bag at Georgia school [View all]
ATLANTA — A Georgia teacher found a loaded handgun in the book bag of a 4-year-old male pre-kindergarten student, authorities said on Wednesday.
Another student alerted the teacher on Tuesday after the 4-year-old told a classmate that he had brought a gun to school, said Anthony Aikens, principal of Jordan Hill Elementary School in Griffin, south of Atlanta.
"That is shockingly young for this to happen," Aikens said. "We've never had anything like that happen here."
Authorities called police and the student's parents, Aikens said. Disciplinary action was taken against the student, but Aikens declined to provide details.
This is another reason, in a long line of reasons, that we need a national safe storage law with stiff penalties for non compliance, along with universal background checks.
I hope the parents of this child, if it was their gun left out, get prosecuted for child endangerment.
I can only hope it happens.