Gun-control groups push for more laws in NY [View all]
NY is heading in the right direction.
On the one-year anniversary of the SAFE Act, the groups and Democratic lawmakers said New York shouldn't stop at the law passed last year.
State Legislators Against Illegal Guns-NY said it wants the Legislature to pass bills that would require additional safety storage of guns if the owners have children, require all semi-automatic handguns to have a feature that puts a code on each spent shell casing, called microstamping, and limit buyers to one handgun purchase a month.
While some seek to go backwards and undo the SAFE Act -- and make it legal once again, for example, to sell guns to strangers with no questions asked, or to have guns with 30-round ammunition magazine -- were taking our next steps forward to prevent gun violence without undue restrictions on responsible gun owners, said Assemblyman Brian Kavanagh, D-Manhattan, who co-chairs the group, in a statement.
Gun-control groups also want a law that would give police the right to remove firearms from the scene of a domestic-violence dispute. Other proposals would ban the sale of certain high-power .50 caliber rifles and require dealers to report to police when failed a background check shows a banned person tried to buy a gun.