NRA Myths (aka "Talking Ppoints") [View all]
Myth: There is decreasing public support for policy solutions to curb gun violence.
Fact: The majority of Americans support common-sense measures to prevent gun violence.
Myth: All we need to do is enforce the laws already on the books.
Fact: Better gun enforcement and stronger gun laws are both needed to reduce gun violence.
Myth: "Stand Your Ground" laws are needed so citizens can defend themselves.
Fact: Citizens have always had the right to defend themselves. The facts show that Stand Your Ground laws are making our communities less safe.
Myth: Guns dont kill people people kill people.
Fact: More guns means more gun murders and more gun suicides.
Myth: Americas gun laws dont work.
Fact: Research demonstrates the effectiveness of a wide range of gun laws, including: background checks, regulation of gun dealers, and bans on assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines.
Myth: Gun ownership is on the rise and guns are everywhere.
Fact: Gun ownership in America is in decline.
Myth: If someone had a gun at the scene of a mass shooting, tragedy could have been prevented.
Fact: There is no credible evidence that the carrying of hidden, loaded weapons decreases crime.
Myth: The Second Amendment is a barrier to stronger gun laws.
Fact: The Second Amendment and recent Supreme Court decisions do not block stronger gun laws.
The majority of Americans, including reasonable (non-Second Amendment absolutists) gun owners are in favor of gun control regulation aimed at reducing gun violence in this country. The right-wing gun lobby is only interested in selling more guns, and it hides behind the Second Amendment to gain false legitimacy.
Thankfully, the very vocal minority of gun nuts is being marginalized by the truth and facts, and the present and coming generations of Americans will begin to undo the carnage caused by the right-wing gun extremists over the past few decades.