Five Hypocrisies of the NRA [View all]
The NRA's extreme political views can be infuriating to even sensible supporters of the Second Amendment, particularly when they reek of hypocrisy. Here's a handful of examples that show how the organization's stances don't often line up:
1. Defending the "Rights" of the Dangerous
This week, Thomas King, a board member for the NRA as well as the president of the New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, said that he didn't want to attend a pro-gun rally in his state because he considered the event "contentious and threatening."
"I just don't want to be a party to anything that may happen," King said ominously. Despite feeling that his safety is in jeopardy for being around these gun owners, he plays a major role in preventing any restrictions from being placed on his comrades' right to bear arms. Does he not see the irony there?
2. Blame Hollywood!
After every tragic mass shooting in this country, NRA spokespeople have insisted that guns are not the problem, the problem is movies that glamorize gun violence.