I think you should be the sole host of this area, and in doing so, make sure you are dilligent in keeping those out who should not be here.
Also, be extremely careful in adding any additional hosts without extreme search.
Have the final say, and be careful about delegating equal powers to others.
And it goes without saying, use your powers as host, and as part of the rules of this group/forum as to what stays, and what goes, which is different than say the GD.
Also would use the block function that is there. Be santa claus like in using it.
(Wayne LaPeanutJob probably mans the net himself with 1000 bots at his service 24/7/365).
Track records are easy to find.
Thankfully then, the same old, same old won't derail every single idea of acheiving something on the road to acheiving all.
And after all, the nra pro-gun soundbytes, why are they even necessary? The NRA always says nothing will change and its useless. If that is the case, why do they attempt to derail
any and all civil discussion with their really nasty disruptive hateful against those that have the misfortune to be shot and hurt or killed (seems like 35 a day dead, and who knows how many more hundreds a day wounded) and those wishing it would stop.
Why don't the pro-NRA, pro-Gun people just ignore it, if they were so sure nothing is changing?
oh, wait, because they indeed are sweating that their day is coming fast to a close.
It took hundreds of years to get here, so it won't be instant,but sometime in the next decade, it will happen.
Why do 35 or more a day have to die (and 100s a day wounded) til we see that happen?
The best way will be through changing the candidates and the courts.
Support the Mayors against Gun Violence (which is something the pro-NRA, pro-Gun people hate more than anything, because they see that it is working very well, and will work well in 2014 and 2016 and beyond. Don't let them cite phony polls saying otherwise.
Major Hint- (though most don't need to be told this)-
Make the titles of all the new threads and posts count.
They are google searchable, and people far and wide read this board, and see titles before looking at posts. So think of titles are real estate or classified ad listings-
catch the person's attention right from the start with a greatly worded title of each thread and post, that straight out says what is in the post.
If this area gets popular, many outside here will be led to reading here. So make it count.