Good Read: "Amazon reviewers unload on open carry children's book" [View all]
Amazon reviewers unload on open carry children's book
Posted: Aug 13, 2014 1:59 AM EST Updated: Aug 13, 2014 7:42 AM EST
By Kimberly Wright
(RNN) – Amazon reviewers are known to crack wise from time to time, particularly when they encounter items they consider to be of questionable value.
Among the most helpful customer reviews cited by Amazon readers include one by Carol Baker: “I got really excited when I found out there was a sequel coming out for the really little ones: Goldilocks and the Three Open Carry Bears. SPOILER ALERT: This does not end well for the blonde moocher who commits a Breaking and Entering.”
Reviewer Merovie mockingly agreed that "only citizens with guns can protect themselves from government tyranny," adding, "because me and my buddies packing heat are definitely going to be a force to reckon with against a militarized police force armed with grenade launchers, armored vehicles, fully automatic rifles, and flying freaking robots outfitted with hellfire missiles that can take out a whole city block piloted by some dude who won the Grand Theft Auto tournament."
E. Dean provided a new wrinkle in his review: “Open Carry around the house breathes new credibility into the stale, old parental threat ‘I brought you into this world and I can take you out!'”
More at link. These reviews are apparently hitting some nerves.