Got a text from Everytown [View all]
about the effort to get Kroger to restrict guns in their stores. Call 888.829.3790 and weigh in with your opinion.
I also called Albertsons and asked about their policy. They let each manager deal with the issue. So I asked the obvious question of how does s/he know the intent of someone carrying a loaded assault weapon? Is he one of Wayne Lapierre's good guys or is one one of your cashiers going through a nasty divorce? Was this guy fired yesterday and here to settle things with management? Then I asked the next question; so you expect your employees to confront someone with a loaded gun? Do you give your employees combat pay and body armor just in case? Why will not restrict guns but won't let me shop barefoot?
Then I contacted Sprouts , new store just opened in my neighborhood, and they informed me that their policy was no guns either for their customers or employees.
Now I get to contact both Kroger and Albertsons and inform them that both me and my daughter will take our grocery money to Sprouts because of their gun policy. That's a total of $1600 a month. I'm also informing all my friends of the difference in store policy.