I didn't mean YOU as in the guy (guessing) posting under "jimmy the one" made it up, I'm saying the people making the claims that are 80 percent at least partly fake make crap up (the proverbial "You" . I do apologize if that's how it came out.
Let's start again, shall we?
First, some real facts (there's plenty to choose from, but I'll go with stuff from this year just to get the ball rolling):
--FBI: Active Shooter Events from 2000 to 2012
--Guns To Surpass Car Accidents As Leading Cause Of Deaths Among Young People
The facts are pretty clear: Things suck as far as gun violence go. You agree with that, or you wouldn't be here.
Now, back to what I posted (which was what you posted, originally)
"Rating .... Gun control opponents ....Gun control supporters .. april 2013
True ..................17%................... 20%"
That means 83 and 80 percent, respectively, were at least partly bullcrap.
And here's my point: When the facts already are pretty bleak and do a good job proving a point, the "proverbial you" doesn't need to lie, distort or make things up to prove "your" point. It's just giving the opposition more, for lack of a better term, ammo when they figure it out. I feel the same way when people criticize the president: Republicans can say what they want about not stopping the NSA -- something the president actually had a choice about -- but it's hard to take someone seriously when they call him a, as I've heard him called, a Commie-Kenyan-Nazi-Muslim. Now I get to mock the old guy who said it and I have a new insult for my coworkers (calling someone "not spongeworthy" just doesn't have the same cultural effect anymore).