Canadian Sgt@Arms was not carrying a gun [View all]
Oct 23, 2014: (in honor ceremony at Canadian parliament): Later when the Canadian national anthem was sung, a tear could be seen on his cheek. Then, in a breach of precedent, the Prime Minister thanked him at the end of his speech, went over to him to thank him and then embraced the leaders of the two main opposition parties. Members once again applauded the man who had stood on guard for them.
... No doubt the NRA will attempt to show how this proves how the "good guy with a gun" was able to defeat the bad guy and therefore open carry is justified. In reality, when the incident started, Kevin Vickers was only armed with his ceremonial sword. He does not carry a gun in the normal course of his duties but keeps one in his office safely under lock and key:
Michael Zehaf-Bibeau ... shot a ceremonial guard at the National War Memorial then proceeded to the Parliament. There, Zehaf-Bibeau, armed with a .30-30 Winchester lever action rifle shot a security guard in the foot, and entered the Hall of Honor. It was in this area that Vickers, armed with a pistol retrieved from a lockbox, engaged Zehaf-Bibeau, killing him.
This shows a dramatic difference between America with it's guns all the time mentality, & countries with saner gun policies.
Note the minimal damage, save the death, done by a lever action rifle. Imagine had he an ak47 or AR15 with a super 30 clip.