Gun Control Reform Activism
In reply to the discussion: Don't forget to talk about the harm of shooting to health and the environment [View all]Crepuscular
(1,062 posts)That one's a bit of a stretch. Are you implying that there is no sound science backing up claims of climate change? I think you have things a little bit backwards, my friend. Climate change deniers are the ones that are insisting that their point of view is the accurate one, without any science to back them up. I happen to believe that climate change is occurring (kind of hard to deny that fact) and that there is an anthropogenic basis for an acceleration in the rate of change. But I didn't subscribe to that point of view because some nameless, faceless guy on an internet forum claimed that to be the case, I did so on the basis of the totality of the scientific data that's available on the topic.
You seem to be claiming that lead from shooting and hunting is causing health hazards and environmental damage and use that basis as a means of regulating those actions. You can make any claims you want and I'm not suggesting that might not be the case, all I've said is that I'd like to see some scientific data to back up that claim. Not exactly an unreasonable demand before passing regulations.