Police Chief Accidentally Shoots Himself For The Second Time [View all]
Its the second time that a Connersville, Indiana Police Chief shot himself in while handling a firearm. Now with the release of the gun store video surveillance footage (scroll down for video), it is clear that just because someone is the chief of police doesnt mean they are firearms experts.
The chief accidentally shot himself in the leg at a gun store, almost a year ago. But it was some time before the video emerged that showed Chief David Counceller sloppily reholstering his firearm, while shopping for a .380 handgun.
The .380 was not being purchased for use as a law enforcement officer, but he did not explain what he was considering the weapon for.
Almost unbelievably, this is not the first time that Chief Counceller has shot himself accidentally. Back in 1999 he shot himself in the hand while handling a firearm.
It got tangled in my clothing, Counceller said, trying to justify his carelessness.