Lawmakers wary of domestic violence gun ban because of political risks [View all]
(T)he Charleston Republican believes a gun ban keeping convicted batterers from having firearms is needed if the state is going to stem an epidemic of domestic violence.
The gun ban is in the Senate bill that passed by a lopsided 38-3 vote, but is not in the House bill and Limehouse doesnt think it has much of a chance in the House.
The NRA has remained neutral on the domestic violence bills in South Carolina, as it did on similar bills in other states, including Wisconsin.
But the fear that voting for a gun ban to combat domestic violence could come back to haunt a politician is not out of the question.
Until they are more afraid of us than they are of the NRA we'll have dead women and children. Until 30,000 deaths a year begin to register at the polling place we'll have dead women and children. Until those of us who give a shit begin to feel the outrage and actually do something we'll have dead women and children.