A couple of interesting things going on it Texas this week. [View all]
Dallas County To Start Confiscating Guns From Domestic Abusers
Domestic abuse convicts in Texas are forbidden from possessing firearms under both federal and state law. But until now, there was no system in place to collect those offenders' guns.
This month, Dallas County is set to become the first in the state to collect and store weapons taken from domestic abusers, according to local ABC affiliate WFAA. Officials predict that up to 700 guns each year will be taken and stored at a private gun range that volunteered to provide the storage space.
County Criminal Court Judge Roberto Cañas, who has been working for months to establish the gun confiscation program, told The Huffington Post that the program should start officially within a week. He got involved with the project because he believed it was unjust for domestic violence offenders to be able to keep their firearms.
And from the completely nut bar side, Texas legislators have passed an open carry law that provides people with a concealed carry license to openly carry their weapons. Only thing is the law has an amendment that forbids law enforcement asking to see proof of license so, like most gun legislation, the law is intentionally un-enforceable.
Open Season For Armed Criminals and Extremists
Yesterday's amendment to Texas' Open Carry Legislation is beyond belief and akin to open season for gang members, drug cartels, outlaw motor cycle gangs and any other criminal or extremist to defy the law with impunity, just brilliant! If criminals, drug cartels, and extremists had a seat at the policy writing table they couldn't have come up with a better Amendment.
By prohibiting law enforcement from stopping or detaining to check for CHL, Texas is authorizing within our state lines any and all criminals to carry a firearm. My heart goes out to domestic violence victims and the victims of violent crimes in our State. Through this amendment we are facilitating the victimization of the people we are sworn to serve, protect and lead.
Here is a scenario, next time groups face off in our Capital City at the Capitol, Klan with their hoods on, Panthers with their faces covered, ISIS sympathizers with their faces covered and just about any other extremist group, armed with firearms authorized by Open-Carry, law enforcement will have absolutely no authority to ensure the people who are armed as they wish..........why bother common sense has officially died and writing any further would be fruitless. Austin Police Chief Art Acevedo