This Piece of Paper Fights Gun Crimes and Saves Lives [View all]
Permit-to-purchase systems are backed by strong data
.the PTP system the legislation seeks to create goes further than the standard background-check procedure in place in most parts of the country: Prospective gun purchasers have to apply for their permit in person at a local law enforcement office, have their fingerprints taken, and submit a photograph along with their paperwork
..The goal isnt to slow down the process for law abiding citizens. Its to make sure that only law abiding citizens can purchase a handgun.
.. One study found that states with PTP laws allowing police discretion tallied a 76 percent reduction in the likelihood of guns winding up in criminals hands relative to comparable states without such laws
.Even without a discretionary policy, the best available research shows that PTP requirements in general are associated with lower rates of firearm-related mortality and reduced suicide rates
The first study found that, after the repeal of a 2007 Missouri permit-to-purchase law, statewide murder rates spiked 14 percent which amounts to an additional 49 to 68 murders per year. This effect was significant even after controlling for changes in policing, incarceration, burglaries, unemployment, poverty, and other state laws adopted during the study period that could affect violent crime. The study also found that the repeal of Missouris law significantly increased the diversion of crime guns that were purchased in Missouri and later recovered by police in neighboring states, suggesting that Missouris PTP system had been making surrounding states safer as well
..The second Johns Hopkins study, released in June of this year, examined a 1995 Connecticut permit-to-purchase law similar to the one outlined in Van Hollens legislation. The researchers compared homicide rates in Connecticut 10 years after the laws passage of the law with the expected homicide rate in its absence. They discovered a 40 percent reduction in the states firearm-related homicide rate. Furthermore, the study found no substitution effect that is, criminals in Connecticut did not switch to using other weapons to carry out homicide when they failed to obtain a firearm.
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