Tulare tom: Um, I'm not the one with the hot headed position
You ranted (wtf, f--- all), I did not.
tom: You hate the guy because he is a member of the NRA board of directors. I get that. In my humble opinion that is not only hot headed but irrational.
You reach a conclusion based upon your faulty premise. I don't hate selleck, I just don't give a whit about him & think he's a right wing looney. I'm sure he's done some nicey nicey goody goody things, but to support the far right gun position is close to the opposite, in my book.
You yourself don't think much of selleck either: I think that Selleck doesn't need the NRA, he is perfectly capable of being a piece of shit on his own.
tom: Did the NRA make him steal that water? I don't think so. I'm not a big fan of the NRA, but I doubt that they encourage their directors to steal water.
Specious. They condone a lot of vulgar mischief amongst their own.
In part I wanted to enjoy a bit of schadenfreude at selleck's expense.
tom: You hate the NRA so anybody associated with it is a piece of shit.
You reached another faulty conclusion, but at least your premise was right this time.
Nope, just most of those in the upper management, including wayne lapierre-head, ted, & now water boy tom. I've frequently explained in the past that most nra members are OK, law abiding citz & gun owners & all that, either traditional members, some from when it was benign from the early 70's. Maybe a quarter are borderline, then there is surely a gunnutted segment (10 - 25%) that I would consider on the same plane as the upper management cretins.