1996 National Firearms Agreement and Buyback Program
The resolutions agreed to at the APMC meeting on May 10, 1996,[22] provided for the establishment of a uniform approach to firearms regulation that would include
a federal ban on the importation of all semi-automatic self-loading and pump action longarms, and all parts, including magazines, for such firearms, included in Licence Category D, and control of the importation of those firearms included in Licence Category C. The sale, resale, transfer, ownership, manufacture, and use of such firearms would also be banned by the states and territories, other than in exceptional circumstances (relating to military or law enforcement purposes and occupational categories, depending on the category of the firearm);[23]
standard categories of firearms, including the two largely prohibited categories (C and D), which include certain semiautomatic and self-loading rifles and shotguns, and a restricted category for handguns (category H);[24]
a requirement for a separate permit for the acquisition of every firearm, with a twenty-eight-day waiting period applying to the issuing of such permits,[25] and the establishment of a nationwide firearms registration system;[26]
a uniform requirement for all firearms sales to be conducted only by or through licensed firearms dealers, and certain minimum principles that would underpin rules relating to the recording of firearms transactions by dealers and right of inspection by police;[27]
restrictions on the quantity of ammunition that may be purchased in a given period and a requirement that dealers only sell ammunition for firearms for which the purchaser is licensed;[28]
ensuring that personal protection would not be regarded as a genuine reason for owning, possessing, or using a firearm under the laws of the states and territories;[29]
standardized classifications to define a genuine reason that an applicant must show for owning, possessing, or using a firearm, including reasons relating to sport shooting, recreational shooting/hunting, collecting, and occupational requirements (additional requirements of showing a genuine need for the particular type of firearm and securing related approvals would be added for firearms in categories B, C, D, and H);[30]
in addition to the demonstration of a genuine reason, other basic requirements would apply for the issuing of firearms licenses, specifically that the applicant must be aged eighteen years or over, be a fit and proper person, be able to prove his or her identity, and undertake adequate safety training[31]
(safety training courses would be subject to accreditation and be comprehensive and standardised across Australia for all licence categories);[32]
firearms licenses would be required to bear a photograph of the licensee, be endorsed with a category of firearm, include the holders address, be issued after a waiting period of not less than twenty-eight days, be issued for a period of no more than five years, and contain a reminder of safe storage responsibilities;[33]
licenses would only be issued subject to undertakings to comply with storage requirements and following an inspection by licensing authorities of the licensees storage facilities;[34]
minimum standards for the refusal or cancellation of licenses, including criminal convictions for violent offenses in the past five years, unsafe storage of firearms, failure to notify of a change of address, and reliable evidence of a mental or physical condition which would render the applicant unsuitable for owning, possessing or using a firearm;[35]
the establishment of uniform standards for the security and storage of firearms, including a requirement that ammunition be stored in locked containers separate from any firearms. The minimum standards for category C, D, and H firearms would include storage in a locked, steel safe with a thickness to ensure it is not easily penetrable, bolted to the structure of a building.[36]