Senate Democrats unveil gun control measures in wake of Oregon shooting [View all]
Source: The Guardian
Senate Democrats unveil gun control measures in wake of Oregon shooting
Proposal backed by Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and others include closing
background check loopholes and preventing unauthorized guns purchases
Amanda Holpuch in New York
Thursday 8 October 2015 19.28 BST
Senate Democrats unveiled a set of gun control measures on Thursday in a new attempt to address the USs problem with gun violence.
One week after nine people were shot and killed at Umpqua community college in Roseburg, Oregon, senators announced measures meant to improve the background check system and prevent people who are not allowed to buy guns from obtaining them illegally.
These efforts, however, are likely to fail in the Republican-controlled Senate.
Presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders, liberal icon Elizabeth Warren and red-state Democrat Claire McCaskill stood with other Democrats outside the Capitol building on Thursday morning at a press conference for the announcement.
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