Gun Control Reform Activism
In reply to the discussion: Registration of all handguns. [View all]AtheistCrusader
(33,982 posts)I've been advocating for total firearms registration for many, many years. Whenever I discuss this with other gun owners, regardless of party affiliation, the answer is always 'no'. And they always seem to have a ready opinion on the issue, don't even need to think about it. Even my parents, both solid union democrats, vehemently against registration.
So, keep your target audience in mind.
That said, the issues that will have to be overcome to get this sort of thing to pass:
1. California's botched assault weapons registry with extended registration deadline that was later overturned in court, leading to liquidation of any firearms registered after the initial registry period.
2. Closure of the NFA registry via the Hughes Amendment.
3. And that stupid old fucking fabricated 'hitler' quote about registration. That quote is so common, I've been banned from discussion groups elsewhere for even ATTEMPTING to show that it is fabricated.
4. The failed registry in Canada, mostly a debacle due to cost.
Issue 3 is probably your biggest opponent. And not just that singular quote, it comes in many forms, about Russia, and other places that really didn't have a lot to do with registration, but can be easily misconstrued so as to foment a negative opinion of registration.
Issue two is a 'give a little to get a little' simple fix. Repeal the Hughes Amendment. Re-open the NFA registry. Easy peasey, done. They can still sort of point to it as an example, but it loses most of its thunder if the registry is open again.
Issue one requires assurances from the outset. The induction registration period needs to be CHEAP, EASY, and LONG. If it's a pain in the ass or too expensive like the Canadian registry, we won't get any support for it. If it's short, nobody will risk it, a la California.
To gain support, talk up the positives.
1. Your weapon can easily be identified if taken and used in a crime.
2. Said weapon can be returned to you, if recovered from a crime, or black market sale/sting.
3. Registration will assist border states (particularly Mexico border) in drying up the supply of firearms to the cartels, making everyone safer. This will practically nuke the idea of a straw purchaser. First time a gun is recovered from a crime scene via a straw purchaser, all their other purchases are looked at, go directly to jail. Hype this. Shit, conservatives LOVE throwing people in jail. They should be on board too.
4. Opening the NFA registry. IN FACT, you could just use the existing registry, and as I have suggested elsewhere on this forum, simply extend the covered firearms downwards from automatic weapons, to all semi-autos, or better, all firearms period.
Anyhoo, hope this helps.