H.R. 3853: Gun Dealer Accountability Act [View all]
Congresswoman To Introduce Very Narrow Gun Control Bill This Week
The Gun Dealer Accountability Act would give the ATF authority to put these dealers on probation. That probation would allow the ATF to inspect that dealer more than once a year. Moore argues this is necessary because right now, the ATF can only conduct spot inspections on gun dealers once every year, no matter how many violations theyve racked up or how many crime guns theyve sold.
In addition to inspections, Moores bill would require gun stores on probation to temporarily conduct physical inventory of their firearms. She notes that, under the Tiahrt Amendment of 2003, the ATF was prohibited from requiring gun dealers to submit inventories. She finds this particularly egregious.
Of course, Moore acknowledges that gun stores can be fooled into illegal gun sales by particularly savvy people. Thats why the threshold for probation is 10 crime guns per two years, and probation is optional. But something has to be changed, Moore said, because with the ATF lacking authority to perform inspections and current federal law that makes it nearly impossible to sue gun stores, bad apple dealers are not being held accountable.
As things are now this doesn't stand a snowball's chance in hell but why not contact your representative and let them know about it. It doesn't infringe the 2nd, doesn't even inconvenience law abiding purchasers and would only effect a tiny number of gun stores.
I've emailed mine (Joe Barton).