Pat Robertson On Boston Explosions: 'Don't Talk To Me About Religion Of Peace' \ [View all]
Last edited Wed Apr 17, 2013, 06:12 PM - Edit history (1)
By Cavan Sieczkowski
Posted: 04/16/2013 2:56 pm EDT
Televangelist Pat Robertson has linked religion to the Boston Marathon bombings, although he did not specifically mention any one religion.
On Tuesday morning's episode of the Christian Broadcast Network's "The 700 Club," the 83-year-old evangelical Christian began discussing the tragic events that unfolded at Copley Square Monday afternoon, Media Matters for America notes.
"Our hearts go out to these people who were wounded and injured," he began, adding that it all started as a "joyous" occasion. "[T]o think that somebody would be so vicious, so evil as to want to kill little children, and maim families who were there rejoicing in a sporting contest on a beautiful day in Boston, it just makes you sick at your stomach. Don't talk to me about religion of peace, no way."
Raw Story ranks Robertson's comment second in its list of "Weirdest Boston Bombing Conspiracy Theories." The outlet notes Robertson was "going live with his prejudices against Muslims."
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