NPR Gives Focus on the Family's Jim Daly a Pass [View all]
March 25, 2013 5:25pm
What is with NPR these days? Theyre famously held to be a bastion of liberal reporting, but you wouldnt know it by listening to their weekend morning shows. Last week, I caught Scott Simon helping advance the discredited theory of liberal decline. This week Sunday host Rachel Martin lets Focus on the Familys Jim Daly go unchallenged.
Daly was on the show to talk about how Focus is facing up to the tide of marriage equality, ahead of this weeks expected Supreme Court ruling on the subject. He did everything he could to project an aw-shucks, kinder and gentler face to Focus, acknowledging the complexity of society and human sexuality, allowing as how gays and lesbians could be Christians and perfectly good people, positing homosexuality as a sin like any other. He even interjected a note of humility into the proceedings: Im not the author of scripture, obviously, he told Martin. Im just trying to read them and live by them even though I fail.
And fail he does, slickly conflating two things scripture has to say about marriage, and ignoring a couple of others. Accordingly to Daly, covenant love can only take place in the context of opposite-sex commitment:
We think its pretty clear that Gods design for human sexuality is a male and a female committed to one another in marriage, for life. Its interesting, because Jesus talks about that in Matthew and Mark in the gospels where he restates the Genesis commitment, which is a man shall leave his mother and father and cleave to his wife, and the two shall become one. He doesnt say anything about same-gendered people getting together.
Now, I and others might interpret that Genesis passage (2:24) as emphasizing the covenant aspect of marriage, an issue that goes beyond the particularities of gender. Everybody should be faithful to their partners, in other words, whether its a same-sex or heterosexual relationship.
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