In America, Happiness Is Extreme [View all]
These extremist Republicans and Democrats have one thing in common: a clearly-defined adversary.
In America, Happiness Is Extreme
Le Journal de Montréal, Canada
By Daniel Girard
Translated By Elona Ritchie
19 February 2014
Edited by Eva Langman
They enrage Democrats and dishearten their Republican colleagues with their systematic obstruction and they don't give a rat's ass about how others feel about it. Tea party politicians are on a crusade to shrink the state and are convinced that they're right. At the end of the day, they're a marginalized minority and they don't get a lot done. So you'd think they'd be frustrated and unhappy.
In fact, according to rigorous surveys conducted by both left and right-leaning political scientists, 48 percent of Americans that call themselves extremely conservative also say they are extremely happy the surveys' happiest respondents.
These extremist Republicans and Democrats have one thing in common: a clearly-defined adversary. They live in a world where there are good guys and bad guys, and consider themselves extremely happy to be one of the good guys.
Moderate Americans don't have that luxury. They spend a lot of time trying to separate the wheat from the chaff in politics; at 26 percent, they're the least extremely happy Americans.