The Forgotten Occupation (documentary) [View all]
A full length documentary about the U.S. occupation of Haiti and the ramifications of that occupation that reverberate today.
We recently attended a screening of this film with the creator in attendance and a Q&A after. The creator Alain Martin spent childhood years in Haiti with his parents and grandparents, now lives in New York, and had made a beautiful and horrifying film.
i cannot express how gut wrenching this film is. Done almost as a letter/plea/explanation/condemnation to his late grandfather (who supported the occupation), it explores the Haitian culture, the occupation, and future.
After the film I asked him if he sees ANY way forward. His reply was simple: Leave us alone.
In the film were several references to Gen. Smedley Butler (War Is A Racket) who i generally admired for his role in staving off fascism in post world war U.S.
This film absolutely demolished any admiration for him.
This documentary is not available for viewing on youtube, netflix, etc. but if you spot a viewing in your area you should definitely see it. The man is intelligent, articulate, and very educated on the subject matter. He answers any questions you may have.
my rating : ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
trailer from Vimeo: