Neil Armstrong's Sons Fire Back: 'First Man' Isn't "Anti-American" [View all]
At a Venice press conference on Aug. 29, the film's star, Ryan Gosling, said he believed Armstrong's moonwalk "was widely regarded not as an American, but as a human achievement."
Rubio then fanned the flames on Aug. 31 when he responded to a news outlet's headline that claimed "Neil Armstrong movie 'First Man' omits the American flag."
The senator wrote in reply, "This is total lunacy. And a disservice at a time when our people need reminders of what we can achieve when we work together. The American people paid for that mission,on rockets built by Americans, with American technology & carrying American astronauts. It wasnt a UN mission."
Neil Armstrong's sons, Rick and Mark, and First Man author James R. Hansen note that, yes, in the Universal film ...
"there are numerous shots of the American flag on the moon.
Weve read a number of comments about the film today and specifically about the absence of the flag planting scene, made largely by people who havent seen the movie.
Of course, it celebrates an America achievement. It also celebrates an achievement for all mankind, as it says on the plaque Neil and Buzz left on the moon.
Although Neil didnt see himself that way, he was an American hero.
In his own Aug. 31 statement, Chazelle explained his portrayal of the moon landing in the drama:
"In First Man I show the American flag standing on the lunar surface, but the flag being
physically planted into the surface is one of several moments of the Apollo 11 lunar EVA that I chose not to focus upon," the director stated.