New Film: 'Where's My Roy Cohn?' Trailer & Review [View all]
Playing in theaters now. ~ Wash Post, 'A Portrait Of An Infamous Fixer And His Most Famous Pupil in Wheres My Roy Cohn?' Sept. 24, '19, Ann Hornaday. As filmmakers seek to decipher and interpret the current political moment, its natural and useful to go back to where it might have all began. Wheres My Roy Cohn?, Matt Tyrnauers absorbing documentary about the notorious New York fixer and mentor to Donald Trump, acts as a kind of cinematic begats, ostensibly profiling a man who may be long gone, but whose impulses and pursuit of power live on through his most famous protege.
In the boisterous, bare-knuckled world of Manhattan finance, tabloid publicity and performative success, Cohn and the young Trump were natural allies, with the Queens real estate developer hiring Cohn to help fight charges of violating the Fair Housing Act, and closely observing the ruthless tactics employed by his attorney and his fish-eyed Svengali tactics that included smearing the enemy, scapegoating the dispossessed, alternately courting and demonizing the press and brazening out any accusations of wrongdoing or mendacity, no matter how well-founded. Sound familiar?
Wheres My Roy Cohn? finds the roots of its protagonists M.O. in his parents, whose own marriage, the film suggests, was the result of a Cohn-worthy deal of backroom machinations. Growing up in the Bronx in the 1930s, Cohn was steeped in the world of political power plays his father, a judge, was prominent in Democratic politics as well as deep-seated shame imparted by his overbearing mother. Bright and well-tutored in the tradecraft of string-pulling, Cohn graduated young from law school and wound up in the thick of anti-Communist investigations in the 1940s, eventually working on the Rosenberg trial and alongside Sen. Joseph McCarthy. Aggressive, single-minded and shrewd, Cohn was also most likely a closeted homosexual, able to wall off (and lie about) his affairs with men while hounding gay government employees out of their jobs...
- The Rosenbergs; Army-McCarthy Hearings:
Roy Cohn, left with a young Donald Trump is the subject of a new documentary, 'Where's My Roy Cohn?'
In this image from the film Wheres My Roy Cohn?, Sen. Joseph McCarthy covers the microphones with his hands while having a whispered discussion with his chief counsel Roy Cohn during a Senate committee hearing, in Washington.